Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months

Author Maurice Sendak
Publisher Scholastic Inc.
ISBN 0-590-45452-8

I am very excited to post this blog on one of my favorite stories that I grew up on.  Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months by Maurice Sendak was a book that I enjoyed reading when I was younger.  I still enjoy reading this story today and I think it is one that you will equally enjoy.  When I recently read the story again, I could not help but think of my Aunt Babe.  She was the one who introduced me to the book since she owned a copy, and would let me read it whenever I went to visit.  Whenever I went over to my aunt’s house, I would ask her if we could read the story together.  Many times my aunt would make me her specialty which happened to be chicken soup with rice.  To me, it was the best soup ever, of course.  I can still remember what it taste like and wish she was still here to make some for me.  It is a time in my life that created some of the fondest memories of my aunt, who was more like a grandmother to me.  This is a great poetry book that you can have fun reading aloud with or without the soup.
            When you read the story, you will hear the rhythmic poem that you can sing as a song.  My Aunt Babe and I would sing the song together while looking at the pictures on the accompanying page.  Each page has a poem about one of the twelve months.  This book is a fun way to teach the months of the year, while singing a catchy song.  Children will want to sing along with you as they hear “In January it’s so nice while slipping on the sliding ice to sip hot chicken soup with rice.  Sipping once sipping twice sipping chicken soup with rice.”  The illustrations are fairly simple.  They look like pen or ink drawings with only a few colors used to accent the pictures.  When I went back to read this story as an adult, I could not help but think of how much this story reminded me of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault.  If you enjoyed the book One Was Johnny: A Counting Book, you will definitely want to get a copy of Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months.  

1 comment:

  1. It’s amazing how this book brings you back to a place in time with a family member. I imagine that you had a wonderful time with your Aunt, the way you can recall the taste of her soup and your enjoyment of reading with her after all these years. Hearing you reminisce about her soup makes my mouth water thinking of my favorite chicken soup specialty. Your description of the book also sounds like it would bring me to the month and season described. The thought of ice skating and being cozy afterwards with a hot bowl of soup almost makes me remember that there are good things to come of the winter months ahead. The things that are easily forgotten once the hot sunny days arrive. I could easily see myself using this book in my own classroom as a fun learning tool.
